Founding story August 2023: What a View Studios - They make podcasts visible
What is special about your idea?
Our viewcasts are a symbiosis of videos and podcasts. In short: we want to make podcasts visible. We have the right setting for this with our podcast booths. Podcasts have become so important and are a great medium in the marketing apparatus. But if you are already producing a podcast, then you should also get the most out of it. That's why we offer additional video content with the right space, the right technology, the right concept and the right post-production. We want the production effort to really pay off!
The shooting rooms are set up modularly so that you can do both in front of the selected background with the appropriate lighting. We have a wide range of options when it comes to the background design and, of course, we also take our customers' wishes into account. In the future, we are also planning to work with a set designer in order to be even more versatile in terms of design. Through our commissions, we have realized that we can start much earlier, long before the actual production of viewcasts. That's why we are now also developing concepts and offering workshops for brainstorming, among other things.
Who is your target group?
We currently work mainly for business clients and have already been able to win over a large corporation. We got this through a cold acquisition when we introduced ourselves to an agency in Hanover. We complement the agency's own range of services without being competitors. However, we also want to give NGOs, i.e. independent, non-governmental organizations without profit goals, the opportunity to make their concerns more visible through image and voice. However, the topic must fit in with our values. Our plan is a podcast grant.
Where can you be found?
We see ourselves in Hanover and would like to be in Halle 96 with a strong infrastructure. There, we have the opportunity to use existing networks and continue to grow without having to move again.
What are your tips for other founders?
A good team spirit is just as important as understanding each other. We only met a year ago and are now business partners. We also plan time for private discussions at every meeting so that we can get to know each other better. For us, private issues are just as important as professional ones. All three of us have the same goal. We work for the idea. But we also understand each other's needs.
What helped us move forward was the external perspective provided by coaching. An external person has a completely different perspective on our topic. When we couldn't see the wood for the trees, the coaching gave us many positive "aha" moments.
We have also become accustomed to thinking big and taking small steps towards our goal. We are financing ourselves from our own resources. We didn't want any outside investors who might tell us how and how quickly we have to work. This way, we have it in our own hands and invest our income straight back into new projects.

Contact details:
What a View Studios
Lutherstr. 55
30171 Hanover
Phone: 0162 7169100
Rabea, Celina and Tamara on working with hannoverimpuls:
We received a lot of financial support when we set up the company. That helped us a lot. Then we got in touch with Marion Grönig in Halle 96, who encouraged us to take part in the Plug & Work competition organized by hannoverimpuls, which we have now won.
Marion Grönig, Center Manager HALLE 96, Center for Creatives at hannoverimpuls on the collaboration with Rabea, Celina and Tamara from What a View:
I got to know three young female entrepreneurs who know exactly what they want, are committed and work purposefully. I'm looking forward to welcoming great new tenants to our Halle 96.