Successful project funding with the Digital Fund

Support for volunteer work in the Hannover Region arrives - and continues
Fonds für Digitales

What started successfully in 2020 will be continued in 2021: The Hannover Region will continue to support non-profit organizations from the fields of sport, culture and creative and social affairs in their digitalization projects with the "Fund for Digital".

This was decided by the regional assembly on Tuesday afternoon. Up to 260,000 euros in funding is available for this purpose. This year, the Digital Fund is being offered in three different funding models, which differ primarily in the degree of innovation required.

Up to 20,000 euros can be applied for particularly innovative projects that create great added value for the regional population.

Ulf-Birger Franz, Head of Economic Affairs, emphasizes: "The need for digitalization extends across all sectors. Our fund has shown that volunteering can also benefit from digital solutions and innovations, especially at the moment. I am delighted that we can continue on this path."

Last year, 70 projects were supported. The range was wide. Two examples illustrate this.

One of the successfully supported associations was the Sportsammlung Saloga e.V., which exhibits countless exhibits on the subject on 250 square meters of collection space in the Springe Football Museum. The aim is to enable young war refugees to participate culturally by working on media and exhibitions.

Due to the large number of exhibits, only a small part can be shown physically on site in the exhibition. For this reason, the entire collection has been digitized and is now accessible to the public, some pieces even in 3D mode. In addition to a new website, touch screens in the museum and at the Lower Saxony Football Association in Barsinghausen will also allow visitors to take a virtual tour of the exhibition from March. There are also plans to increase accessibility in the museum for visually impaired people by offering audio descriptions of certain exhibits.

The citizens' television station h1 broadcasts a nine-hour program every day. Everyone in the Hanover region has the opportunity to help shape the program. The station successfully applied for the Digital Fund with the idea of a mobile studio. This enables productions to be recorded by four remote-controlled cameras and broadcast directly from the location using streaming technology. This makes it much easier for cultural professionals to produce content and publish their performances and events on citizens' television.

The Hannover Region has commissioned the kreHtiv Network Hannover as a project partner and contact partner. It will be advising interested organizations from 1 March; the application deadline is 31 March. All information can be found on the

kreHtiv Netzwerk Hannover e.V. is the network of professional creatives from the Hannover region. Founded in 2011 by the business development agency hannoverimpuls, the kreHtiv network is the point of contact for issues relating to the cultural and creative industries. The aim of the network is to make the Hannover Region more visible as a creative location, to strengthen it in the long term and to network the creative industries with other sectors of the economy.

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