City of Mykolaiv (Monday 12:30-13 h)
The presentation contains general information about the city of Mykolaiv, as well as the challenges that the city faced after the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine. During the speech, information will be provided about the work of the city authorities together with international partners to restore the city after significant damage caused to the city by the troops of the russian federation.
Oleksandr Syenkevych, Сity Mayor of Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Input 2 "Mykolaiv's Vision - Towards the Future City Masterplan"
'It is widely known that technology has enabled us to start wars from afar, but can it also allow us to contribute in re-building from afar?
UNECE has mobilized international architects to help Ukraine develop forward-looking, people-centered masterplans for its cities in order to build back better as soon as the conflict may allow it. Recognizing the uncertainty of the current situation but also understanding that there is the willingness of the international community to help Ukraine and that relevant technological tools are available, a group of Italian professionals has responded to this call forming a collaborative taskforce with Ukrainian national and local governments, local experts and the civil society. The immediate outcome of this process is already visible as we are sending out a message of hope while working towards our ultimate goal which is to build back a better future together!
Ana Paez, Associate Director of OneWorks
Digital Health City Hannover (Tuesday 10:30-11 am, 2-14:30 pm)
"Digitalization & Health"
What modern solutions are needed to make the healthcare of tomorrow safe? This is the big question facing the healthcare industry. Initial impulses and best practices are presented here and invite reflection.
Dominique Gußmag (Project Manager Trends and Innovations, hannoverimpuls GmbH)
HANNOVR (Tuesday 16:00)
On the small action area on Tuesday, you can look forward to an exciting presentation by Dassault Systèmes, a multinational software development company known for 3D design software.
The company VRdirect, which supports major customers with a platform solution, will also show us how groups such as Nestlé and Siemens use VR technologies to scale.
INSIDE M2M (Wednesday 11-11:30 a.m.)
"M2MGate V: our knowledge from over 20 years of IoT development"
M2MGate V is the fifth generation of the IoT platform developed by INSIDE M2M. Since the first release of M2MGate in 2002, 20 years have passed and more than 750,000 devices worldwide have been connected with M2MGate. This stands for the broad acceptance and success of the platform, which is used by companies such as Melitta, WMF, Liebherr Mobilkrane, Konica Minolta and many others. The presentation will use various reference projects to demonstrate the practical relevance of the solution.
Frederik Haack, Business Development, INSIDE M2M GmbH
kreHtiv Netzwerk Hannover e.V. (Wednesday 2-4 p.m.)
2 p.m.: Welcome to the "Cross-Innovation" lecture series with innotonic GmbH, FUTUR X GmbH, and B&B
FUTUR X GmbH (Wednesday 14:10-14:35)
"Innovation = value through ideas - the FUTUR X 360 degree view" A number of relevant ingredients are needed to turn a good idea into a value-adding innovation that leads to entrepreneurial success. A good idea, its qualification and development and an innovation management structure that successfully develops the idea for the customer. With FUTUR X GmbH, the VGH Group has founded an innovation subsidiary as a corporate innovation accelerator that shapes and successfully accompanies this path. Sounds obvious, but it is a special story.
Speaker: Roger Cericius. Managing Director (CEO), FUTUR X GmbH
B&B (Wednesday 14:35-15:30)
"LEGO® as a driver for cross innovation and vision development"
With LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® you break down hierarchies, structures and thought patterns. In a half-hour dialog and participation format, you will learn more about the method and try out how it can contribute to the inter- and intradisciplinary strengthening of innovation and development power or to your individual entrepreneurial vision development.
Lukas Hoffmann, brand consultant at B&B. Markenagentur and überwegs |
innotonic GmbH (Wednesday 15:30-16:00)
"ISO 56002 and the seven pillars of innovation management"
ISO standard 56002 "Innovation management systems" has been in existence since 2020. Behind the unwieldy term lies a treasure: the first globally valid, standardized description of what constitutes innovation management. In this presentation, we will introduce the new standard and show how it can help you become more innovative.
Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann, born in 1977, teaches entrepreneurship at Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. He is co-founder of innotonic GmbH and has developed the "innoventur", an analysis of innovation management in just 15 minutes.
papair GmbH (Wednesday, 16:00-16:20)
"Bubble wrap made from recycled paper - resource optimization for packaging and shipping"
Large quantities of plastic waste are generated every year when parcels are shipped. Sustainable alternatives are usually also lacking in industrial shipping. With PapairWrap, there is a sustainable and cost-effective way to meet the desire for environmentally friendly packaging and requirements for greater sustainability.
Christopher Feister, papair GmbH
Digital.manufaktur (Thursday, 14:00-14:30)
"Best practices in B2B commerce"
As we all know, different paths lead to the same goal. From my experience, I say that the goal changes along the way, but at the very least it becomes more concrete. I invite you to join me in developing the vision "I want to sell online" into a guideline for "I have a framework for an e-commerce strategy".
Philipp Reger, Business Development, digital.manufaktur GmbH
locomotionVR (Thursday, 15-15:30)
"The metaverse - workbench and marketplace of the industrial future?"
What does the term metaverse actually mean? Is it just a fantastic utopia or a very tangible plan? Does it mean a revolution in digital networking or rather an unstoppable evolution? Is this all still completely in the future or are we already further along in the metaverse than we thought? What role do virtual reality and digital twins play in this? How will our lives change, especially our working lives? What advantages and unique opportunities does the metaverse offer for companies and industry? How will local and global
How will local and global workflows and processes change, from planning to training, marketing and manufacturing?
Gunnar Gertzen, locomotionVR
relevandXR (Thursday 15:30-16:00)
"The death of customer service as we know it: How AI and the metaverse are turning the industry on its head" The future is here! Thanks to artificial intelligence and the metaverse, chatbots, virtual assistants and automation technologies are already improving the efficiency and speed of customer service. But this is just the beginning. Companies can now transport their customers into virtual worlds and take customer service to a whole new level. However, this also means that traditional customer service is becoming obsolete. Companies need to adapt quickly to maintain customer satisfaction. The challenge is to use AI and the metaverse in a meaningful and customer-centric way and to take full advantage of their benefits. Are you ready for the customer service of the future?
Susan Reppe, Customer Operations Director, relevand GmbH &
AI meets 5G (Thursday 16:30)
When AI and 5G topics meet, it can only be exciting. Be there when we present the new 5GAPS project in the form of an exciting demo and the Graphmasters show you with their navigation program how AI and 5G could develop new technological forces in the future.
China Team GmbH
Mon: 10-10:20 a.m."From Costa del Sol to the World - Ecoamp commits to affordable Solar Energy" Szymon Skowronek, CEO, Ecoamp Solar Sistemas de Energia
Tue. 15:30-15:50"Partnering with China - German SME's and their China Business" Xiaolong Hu, Managing Partner, China-Team GmbH
Wed. 10:15-10:35 a.m."Partnering with China - German SME's and their China Business" Xiaolong Hu, Managing Partner, China-Team GmbH
Thu. 14:30-14:50"Partnering with China - German SME's and their China Business" Xiaolong Hu, Managing Partner, China-Team GmbH
Fri. 10:15-10:35 a.m."Partnering with China - German SME's and their China Business" Xiaolong Hu, Managing Partner, China-Team GmbH
You can find a list of our exhibitorshere
The HANNOVER stand at HANNOVER MESSE 2023 / Hall 16, Stand G10
Contact us
Birthe Spindler
hannoverimpuls GmbH