new/car working group: Recycling-friendly design

At the event, participants will discuss how their own products can be further developed or redeveloped in such a way that they meet the criteria of eco-design and enable recycling that is as complete and economical as possible.

European companies are required to develop products in such a way that they meet the criteria of eco-design. Among other things, this means

  • Using easily recyclable raw materials,
  • integrating components made from unmixed materials,
  • increasing the durability of products
  • designing the products to be repairable and
  • guaranteeing the long-term supply of spare parts and service.


free of charge


15:00 Arrival of the participants + welcome café

15:30 Welcome and introduction

Ernest Mitschke, new/car

Prof. Dr. Ing. Roland Lachmayer, IPeG

15:40 KeyNote: Legal requirements and practical implementation

Gembarski / Lachmayer


16:00 Challenges in marketing

Samir Hein, Hein Design Office GmbH

Discussion / question: "Problem purchasing! / How to convince the purchasing department?"

16:30 Break

16:45 Recycling-friendly interior design - contradictory requirements

Philipp Hilbert (requested), Auria Solutions GmbH, Adelheidsdorf

Discussion / question: "Technical requirements versus material availability"

17:15 Consistent quality of recycled raw materials is not technically possible

Kai Hoyer (requested), Source One GmbH, Eicklingen
Discussion / question: Product quality is changeable - effects
on design requirements and marketing?

17:45 Closing remarks

Mitschke / Lachmeyer
Brief "discussion": How to proceed, what can be developed,
what should new/car do!

18.00 Snack and opportunity to network
with tourStudentproject: "Development, technical implementation and operation of a
and operation of a campus brewery"

The workshop takes place under the umbrella of the transformation networkneu/wagen.

Location of the event:

Location: IPeG / PZH

Institute for Product Development and Device Construction
An d. Universität 2 / Building 8143 in 30823 Garbsen

Only a limited number of places are available for participation.


Contact us

Hanover Region
Topic Manager Technology Transformation Network new/car
Dr. Ernest Mitschke
Topic Manager Technology Transformation Network new/car
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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