Founding story October 2021 - Crafting Future GmbH

Less waste through sustainable reusable packaging with Crafting Future

With their entrepreneurial idea, the three founders Jan Patzer, Can Lewandowski and Lennart Heyner have already won the main prize in this year's 18th Startup-Impuls competition. Their company, Crafting Future GmbH, also impressed the jury of the competition initiated by hannoverimpuls with climate-neutral alternatives to conventional disposable products and packaging.

Jan and Can - who benefits from your idea?

Disposable waste is one of the biggest problems of our time. But there will never be a world without plastics. That's why we develop and produce measurably sustainable reusable products made from bioplastics and recyclates to avoid waste, conserve resources and promote the circular economy. We focus on rigid packaging and consumer goods for food, beverages and cosmetics.

What have you done at Crafting Future so far?

We have been on the market since March 2020. Our biggest success: we developed a take-away bowl for Recup GmbH, Germany's largest deposit system for drinks and food-to-go, during the coronavirus pandemic. It is now produced directly in Germany with a sustainable supply chain. Our team has now grown to 15 people and we are researching new projects together with Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the University of Hanover.

How did your idea come about?

Can came across the topic of sustainability years ago, is interested in food and has worked a lot in the catering industry. Four years ago, we launched a reusable coffee cup together on a whim. We wanted to find a simple solution for everyday life to avoid waste and conventional plastics. We started as a sideline, plundered piggy banks and continued to expand our idea. Today, we want to move bigger levers and establish systemic solutions.

What are your plans for the future?

In light of the fact that the majority of restaurants will be obliged to offer their takeaway range in value-added products from 2023, we have already produced a guide for the industry. We want to allay fears, offer solutions and further expand our position as a sustainable supplier. There are also a few things to consider when selecting products: The reusable products must be suitable for food, easy to stack and leak-proof, they must be cleanable and must not lose their shape. The products should also be durable and robust and, of course, recyclable. We have all of this on our radar.

What are your tips for other founders?

Just start and have the courage! Also talk to as many people as possible about it and knock on as many doors as possible. We have proven a hypothesis with the simplest of means. And what works on a small scale usually also works on a large scale.

Contact details:

Crafting Future GmbH

Can Lewandowski

Phone: 0176-43652160


Can Lewandowski on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:

They really help us a lot, even now! We took part in a few consultations on the topics of law and funding. And we were encouraged to take part in the Startup-Impuls competition with our idea. The award has brought us recognition and encouragement, especially nationwide.

Marcus Rohde from hannoverimpuls on the Crafting Future team:

The founders already have a great deal of business expertise thanks to their training and degree courses. Together, we have now also launched research applications. It is always exciting to accompany a start-up on the road to success. And there is a lot of potential here!

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