Founding story November 2023: El Grafico

El Grafico Design sets the scene for products

Torben Paradiek is the man behind El Grafico Design. He primarily offers young companies from the food & beverage sector brand development services, from consulting and naming to implementation. He has already proven that he is excellent at doing just that: Torben is one of the founders of a Hanoverian gin brand that is now sold in bars and supermarkets around the world

Kevin Münkel

Torben, what sets you apart from other advertising and marketing agencies?

I see myself a bit as a founder for founders. I trained in a traditional advertising agency and started my own business for the first time a good ten years ago. Having built my own product from A to Z with a focus on marketing and sales, I know the challenges and can help you get everything right from the start. I know what products in the food industry should look like, how they find their way onto supermarket shelves and how online business works. I can open many doors and therefore see myself as a partner at eye level.

What is special about El Grafico Design?

With El Grafico Design, I have deliberately opted for solo self-employment as a "one-man show" in order to keep the costs for start-ups or small companies from the region as low as possible. I work with a large team of freelancers who I only use when they are really needed. Above all, I can work holistically and contribute my experience of the past 15 years. From classic marketing tasks to design and packaging, everything comes from a single source. For start-ups, I first put together small packages, because I know from my own experience that things are always a bit tight, especially at the beginning.

How did the idea come about?

Self-employment is not really new, but with El Grafico Design I am starting from scratch, with experience and expertise, passion and, above all, fun.

What are your tips for other founders?

Don't doubt, do it. Even if the idea is not yet fully developed, the journey is the goal. In the ongoing process, more and more impulses are added from inside and outside, which allow the original idea to grow even during the development process. Every conversation can help. Use networks and see who can support you. Hanover is a microcosm in many areas. A lot can happen there!

Kevin Münkel

Contact details:

El Grafico Design
c/o Miss Patty
Deisterstr. 39
30449 Hanover
Tel: +49 (0) 176 2346 5588

Torben on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:

I attended courses in 2012 when I first became self-employed to get myself fit in the areas that I wasn't so good at. I can only recommend it to anyone. The team is great and the content is important for any start-up. I started building my network with hannoverimpuls. Later, I even worked for the company and developed the branding for Starting Business.

Ulrike Radtke, Project Manager Corporate Communications at hannoverimpuls, on the collaboration with Torben:

I have known Torben for many years now. As a graphic designer, as a barman, as a founder and consultant. He knows how to creatively think his way into tasks, keep an eye on the target group and never let up until the desired goal is achieved.

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