Foundation story April 2024 - JobAnker
"Off to new shores, and JobAnker will always be your home port." This is the motto of Anika Schmidt and Erkan Tsiakmak, who founded JobAnker GmbH, a personnel services agency. Both have extensive professional experience, from which they have brought together the best for JobAnker. Their mission: to bring together companies and new employees who really fit together. The two founded their company in 2023. Their team in Hanover and Hamburg now consists of four people.
Anika, what makes you different from other personnel service companies?
We focus on personal contact and, above all, appreciation. We take time for the people who apply to us. We want to be there for them, support them in the long term and adapt our work to changing life circumstances. Whether it's looking after a child or caring for a relative. You can talk to us about anything. And we want to provide security, which is what the anchor in our company name stands for, which incidentally is also made up of our first names. Digitalization is another major topic for us. We are simplifying processes so that both sides can get in touch with us quickly at the click of a mouse after personal contact.
Who belongs to the target group?
We bring flexible jobs and motivated workers together. On the one hand, there are companies looking for new people and, on the other, people who want to make a change. We work for people with and without training. What counts for us is the individual with their personal attitude and profile. We sometimes also see ourselves as a provider of opportunities for jobseekers whose CVs are not immediately convincing or do not match the employer's requirements 100 percent. If a job doesn't fit, we make it fit. Or we offer other jobs in the fields of medicine & care, education & social services, trade and office. Give and take is a matter of course for us, and we do it quickly, digitally and, above all, personally.
Who benefits from your work and how?
"At JobAnker, you work the way you want!" - We don't just say that on our website, we mean it. Flexible services that fit in with your life, attractive remuneration and comprehensive personal support. On the other hand, the companies get motivated employees whose working hours and tasks are clearly defined. Anyone who wants to can get further training, depending on what they are willing to do. Of course, we also encourage and support this. Many people have already found new jobs through us. We have also been able to place skilled workers from abroad. More and more customers are becoming aware of us. Word is getting around that JobAnker is an attractive employer and that we offer attractive jobs.
What tips do you have for other founders?
Accept help from outside. Do not trust blindly. Question and get second opinions. You have to take care of yourself and get involved. It's important to keep asking questions until you really understand what you've just heard. And you have to believe in what you are doing, leave your comfort zone, think outside the box and be able to deal with defeat.
You can't take anything for granted. Nobody tells you what to do. It's your job now. And if you mess up, you're responsible for it yourself. Just doing it helps, but not always. Good time management is also important. We had built in a buffer for financial planning, but not for time planning. We underestimated a few things here. How long does an approval take? How long does it take to open an account? And let's not forget the time off around Christmas and the slow start at the beginning of the year.
How did hannoverimpuls support you?
The first contact came about through Gründerinnen-Consult. From here, we also came across the entire hannoverimpuls program. In combination with the employment agency, I then completed the start-up course "Gründung Kompakt", where I learned a lot. Topics such as finance, taxes and law, but also marketing and the right design for our website helped us a lot in setting up JobAnker. Since then, hannoverimpuls has always been at my side. I have been able to involve Erkan in all of my consultations.

JobAnker GmbH
Vahrenwalderstraße 269a
30179 Hanover
Tel: 0511 99987570
Anika on the cooperation with hannoverimpuls:
The start-up course was by no means the end of the story. On the contrary, we always have the opportunity to turn to hannoverimpuls with questions. The network, the network meetings and the advisory services are great. I got to know the Hannover economic region through hannoverimpuls. I attend workshops here and continue to expand my own contacts.
Ute Rebel, Project Manager Start-up and Entrepreneurship Gründerinnen-Consult at hannoverimpuls GmbH, on the collaboration with Anika Schmidt and Erkan Tsiakmak:
Anika and Erkan are professionals in their field. They have a good understanding of human nature and a feel for who is a good match. We were able to provide them with knowledge about the entrepreneurial personality. They can now set sail and really take off.