Employment by economic sector

The Hannover Region has a balanced economic structure and a diverse range of dynamic sectors.

The largest economic sectors in the Hannover Region include healthcare and social services, manufacturing and trade.

The economic sectors of transport and storage, information and communication, financial and insurance services as well as public administration and social security are disproportionately well represented in the Hannover Region compared to the rest of Germany in terms of their share of total employment.

Healthcare and social services largest sector in the Hannover Region

In a 10-year comparison, the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions in the Hannover Region grew by an annual average of 1.6% (2013-2023, reporting date 30.06.).

An extremely positive development - both in relative and absolute terms - was, among other things

  • in the health and social services sector (+2.6 % yoy, +19,000 full-time equivalents),
  • m transportation and warehousing (+3.3 % yoy, +11,000 full-time equivalents), and
  • in the provision of professional, scientific and technical services (+3.1 % yoy, +11,000 full-time equivalents).

In contrast, a slight decline in employment can be observed in financial and insurance services (-0.4% y/y). The manufacturing industry also recorded comparatively restrained employment growth in the last decade (+0.2% YOY).

ICT and energy industry on the upswing

A year-on-year comparison between 2022 and 2023 shows a significant increase in employment in the information and communication sector (+5.4%, +1,200 full-time equivalents), energy supply (+9.0%, +400 full-time equivalents), water supply, sewage, waste disposal, removal of environmental pollution (+3.6%, +160 full-time equivalents) and, contrary to general expectations, in construction (+3.9%, +1,000 full-time equivalents). The hospitality industry continued to recover after the coronavirus pandemic (+3.5%).

On the other hand, the decline in employment in the education and teaching sector is becoming increasingly pronounced, amounting to -4.9% compared to the previous year. The number of employees in the trade sector (including maintenance and repair of motor vehicles) fell slightly.

Status: 05/2024
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