Innovation and promotion

The federal government and the EU are funding innovative projects in the Hannover Region with 282 million euros.
692 projects received co-financing from the federal government and the EU.

The Hannover Region as a business location impresses with its future-oriented approach. Companies, universities, research institutes, public institutions, associations and organizations have invested extensively in innovative and sustainable projects and have been able to obtain considerable funding from the federal government and the European Union.

For projects started in 2021 and 2022, more than a quarter of a billion euros went to the Hannover Region as grants.** This funding went in particular to projects in the areas of research and innovation, energy and the environment, as well as education and training. The actual project volumes are many times higher.

Around 45% of the funded projects are located in companies and (business-related) associations and organizations. Another 45 percent of funded projects are located at universities and research institutions. Public institutions (mainly local authorities) receive 8 percent of the funded projects.

At 71%, the majority of federal and EU funding goes to universities and research institutions, where comparatively cost-intensive projects are located (average grant of EUR 645,000 per project). In companies and (business-related) associations and federations, the average project grants are considerably smaller (around EUR 220,000), which is why only 23% of the funding amount mentioned goes to them.

** Federal funding programs, EU research projects within the framework of HORIZON EUROPE (2021-2027), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) are taken into account. This does not take into account any co-financing of projects by the state and/or the respective municipalities of the Hannover Region

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