Population development

Following strong population growth in 2022, the Hannover Region will remain attractive in 2024.

Population development is a fundamental determinant of the supply of labor and the demand for infrastructure services, housing and other private and public offers and services.

The Hannover Region is an attractive place to live for many people. Over the last ten years, all municipalities in the Hannover Region have recorded significant population growth in some cases.

At the beginning of 2024, 1,178 million people lived in the Hannover Region - 548,200 of them in the state capital Hannover and 629,500 in the surrounding municipalities (as at 31.12.2023). Overall, the population in the Hannover Region has grown by 58,000 people over the past ten years (+5.2 % or +0.5 % on an annual average). Laatzen, Langenhagen and Seelze have seen significantly above-average population growth (+7% and more).

In the years from 2018 to 2021, the positive population trend lost momentum and the population of the Hannover Region stagnated at around 1.155 million inhabitants. In 2022, there was a major growth spurt, mainly due to increased immigration from third countries.

Population growth from 2022 to 2023 is again weaker at +0.3% and is largely driven by the state capital Hannover (+0.6%). Three quarters of the municipalities in the surrounding area recorded stable or declining population figures (+0.1% on average).

Note: The population figures based on the 2022 census are not yet available at this time.
Status: 07/2024
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