Training providers in the Hannover Region

29.08.2024 - There are a large number of further education providers in the Hannover Region. It's not easy to find the right offer for your own further education timetable. We have compiled an overview of further education providers in the Hannover Region for you, where you will find offers on the topics of strategy, culture, learning (infrastructure), skills and processes.


Development companion for individuals, teams and organizations: learn effectively and achieve results.

For over 20 years, CONTUR has stood for the effective development of people and teams - also in an international environment. CONTUR accompanies more than 17,000 participants in over 3,200 events every year.

In order to really understand the customer's concerns, CONTUR listens carefully and brings many years of experience to the table. Topics are developed together at eye level. CONTUR's professional consultants and trainers know the challenges in companies from their own professional experience. It is important to CONTUR to "dock on" to the needs and ideas of its customers in its consulting and training sessions in order to help them make the best possible progress in their day-to-day business.


Hanover Chamber of Crafts Project and Service Company mbH (PSG)

Handwerkskammer Hannover Projekt- und Servicegesellschaft mbH (PSG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Handwerkskammer Hannover. It is the operating company for the conference center on the grounds of the Campus Handwerk and is responsible for the accommodation and catering services for the participants of the inter-company training.

Together with the Hanover Chamber of Crafts, the PSG also picks up on current trends and develops, plans and implements training and advisory services. In doing so, it always has its sights firmly set on the goal of supporting the skilled trades in their performance and competitiveness.


Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts is a regionally and nationally recognized partner and driving force for business and society: as a high-quality scientific education provider, as a creative research institute and as an exemplary employer. The continuing education program for specialists and executives combines the expertise from science and practice of the five faculties and covers the areas of Management & Leadership, Nursing & Health, Technology & IT, Social Affairs & Consulting and Personal Skills.


Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK)

The Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) is a service provider and representative of the interests of over 185,000 member companies in the districts of Diepholz, Nienburg, Stadthagen, Hameln, Hildesheim, Göttingen and the Hanover region. As a corporation under public law, it fulfills numerous sovereign tasks, especially in vocational education and training. Among other things, it is committed to the next generation of skilled workers and offers further training events.



innoSEP stands for "innovative Solutions for Engineering and Programming" and was founded with the idea of combining computer science and engineering, two historically independent fields. But today innoSEP is more than that. Today, we are your partner for digitalization - across industries and globally - so that everyone can exploit the full potential of today's and tomorrow's technologies. Our vision is to democratize industrial AI and make AI technologies easily accessible to industry experts!


Manager Institute

Founded in 1999, MANAGER INSTITUT is now one of the leading training institutes for all management and consulting topics and part of the 5d education group. MANAGER INSTITUT offers over 350 seminars in a total of 27 specialist areas at all 25 locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, allowing specialists and managers to book all seminars as a face-to-face seminar, FLEXINAR® or LIVEINAR® as required.


Mittelstand Digital Center Hanover

Development companion for individuals, teams and organizations: learn effectively and achieve results.

Customized, provider-neutral and benefit-oriented: With information events, workshops, company talks and project support, the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover makes companies fit for the digital future. Employee training is a key success factor in ensuring that digitalization in the company is successful and sustainable.

From the digitalization of individual production and logistics processes to law and economics through to Work 4.0 - the experts at the center provide support with bundled digitalization know-how.

The center's showcase is the digitalization factory at the Garbsen office. It provides an overview and presents intelligent digitalization solutions from order picking to production, assembly and quality control.

All of the center's services are free of charge thanks to funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics.

Rhetoric heroes

The Rhetorikhelden offer modern training in the areas of rhetoric, digitalization and new work. With their "you" culture, they address companies and people who are open to the new world of work.

In addition to in-house seminars at companies throughout DACH, they train various groups in open workshops or coach individuals, offer long-term (coaching) training courses, invite participants to their New Work Space (Heldraumstation Hannover) or develop professional online training courses for their social learning platform, the Herocademy.

The rhetoric hero guarantee: confident, confident appearance through rhetoric. Successful positioning and scaling through digitalization. More job and personal satisfaction through New Work. The aim of the rhetoric heroes' highly practical training courses is to prove to participants that #NobodyHELPSyou



X4B Serviceagentur für die Wirtschaft GmbH is a brand of the employers' association NiedersachsenMetall. Our mission is to help the member companies of NiedersachsenMetall and its thirteen partner associations as well as industrial SMEs to position themselves for the future, develop digitally and secure the competitiveness of these companies in the medium and long term.


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Hanover Region
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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