Our offers -
our value proposition

30.07.2024 - Support in the areas of personnel and organizational development, funding advice and networking with relevant stakeholders in the region.
  • Youwant to drive forwardyour companytrainingbut don't know where to start
  • you are looking for an exchangewith other companies inthe Hannover Region on existing challenges in the area of qualification / company training
  • you are an SME from the manufacturingindustry / skilled trades in theHannover Region
  • The following are active in the healthcareindustry
  • You would like totake advantage offreeoffers for in-company training
  • would like to receiveinformation on funding opportunities inthe field of continuing vocational training

Offers manufacturing industry and trade

© AdobeStock/industrieblick

We support small and medium-sized companies on their way to becoming a self-learning organization, bring transparency to the continuing education market and find suitable funding opportunities for your company's continuing education activities.

Please follow the link to our offer...

Offers for the healthcare industry

© shutterstock / Volha Barysevich

We support the healthcare industry in the Hannover Region in dealing with the shortage of skilled workers, point out solutions in the field of qualification and digitalization and find suitable funding opportunities for further training and qualification.

Please follow the link to our offer...

Contact us

Hanover Region
Team RegioLab

Hanover Region
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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