Training pilots 2022-2025

18.01.2024 - Improving individual prospects for the transition from school to work for pupils

In addition to careers advice and school social work, pupils at general education schools have a considerable need for support in developing their individual prospects for the transition from school to work.

The training guides are continuously available on site and ensure the transfer of information and coordination between all those involved in the careers guidance process in the schools.

In their interface function, they keep the network of stakeholders - in particular the careers advisory service - constantly informed about the current status of the individual young person in the careers guidance process.

  • Implementation of group measures in accordance with § 48 SGB III (information, career choice strategy, implementation strategy, application)
  • Individual support for pupils before and after group activities (socio-educational, coaching, job application training)
  • Organization of (additional) internships and their preparation and follow-up
  • Introduction and follow-up of an individual career roadmap (in class)
  • Initiation of a careers orientation "check" in the pre-school and leaving classes to ensure that everyone can continue their education after general schooling

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025

over 9,000 pupils from the school-leaving classes and pre-leaving classes of the participating schools in the Hannover Region

Project financing

  • Hanover Region
  • Hanover Employment Agency

Project partners

  • 27 schools in the Hannover Region
  • Training provider:
    • ProBeruf
    • AWO
    • BNW
    • Training and Work Plus

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of the Education and Career Coordination Office
Katharina Goethe
Head of Coordination Office Education and Career
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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