HIDD projects

With "HIDD - Hannover's Internet of Things", the Hannover Region Economic Development Agency is working with niedersachsen.digital to promote a wide range of smartcity technologies, innovations and strategies in local communities.
HIDD Grünflächenpflege
HIDD Green space maintenance

The first HIDD projects have already been launched and implemented in the state capital of Hanover and in several surrounding municipalities in the Hanover region - many more innovative and regional projects are being planned:

Mire and forest fire prevention

HIDD Moor- und Waldbrandprävention© niedersachsen.digital
HIDD Mire and forest fire prevention
  • The HIDD sensors are based on LoRaWAN and therefore have a particularly long range and long service life.
  • Hidden in the treetops, the sensors monitor the concentration of gases typical of forest fires, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other gases.
  • This means that even small smoldering fires can be reported at an early stage with a precise location.
  • This project is being implemented in the north-west of the Hanover region (Neustadt a. Rbge., Wedemark, Burgwedel, etc.).

Smart Lighting

HIDD Smart Lighting© niedersachsen.digital
HIDD Smart Lighting
  • Streetlights that only come on through motion detectors
  • on the planned cycle route near Seelze

Watercourse monitoring

Integration vom Gateway Messboje in Bad Salzdetfurth.© niedersachsen.digital
Integration of the gateway measuring buoy in Bad Salzdetfurth.
  • Measurement of important data and values using measuring buoys in flowing waters to improve their maintenance and support their function.
  • In particular, the measuring buoy can be used to react quickly to changes in the watercourse in order to protect the fish population.
  • in Bad Salzdetfurth

Smart waste garbage cans

HIDD Smart Waste© niedersachsen.digital
HIDD Smart Waste
  • Live measurement by sensors in the garbage cans that keep an eye on the fill level, collect garbage cans earlier or collect remote, empty garbage cans a week later. This allows waste collection routes to be planned intelligently and agilely.
  • in Pattensen

Flood protection

HIDD Hochwasserschutz© niedersachsen.digital
HIDD Flood protection
  • Special water level sensors are used for HIDD, which regularly report the water levels of the Leine and soon also the Weser, as well as the Innerste, every minute in times of crisis.
  • This data is used by disaster control to make better forecasts about possible flooding at an earlier stage.
  • This requires cooperation across municipal boundaries. The Hannover Region is currently working together with the districts of Hameln-Pyrmont, Hildesheim and Goslar.

Parking lot management

HIDD Parkplatzmanagement© niedersachsen.digital
HIDD parking lot management
  • Some P+R (park-and-ride) spaces in the Hannover region are equipped with sensors so that the number of free parking spacescan be called up on the Internet.
  • The parking offer is aimed primarily at commuters and visitors to major events, to avoid having to drive into the city center.

Weather stations

  • Various weather stations are already connected to HIDD and provide valuable climate and weather data for better forecasts.
  • Most of the weather stations are currently located at our partners in Hameln-Pyrmont

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project management
Tim Mittelstaedt
Project management
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion
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