
The biggest difference between “Umsteigen statt Aussteigen” and other support lines I tried out, is the involvement of the counselors. 
© Region Hannover

The biggest difference between “Umsteigen statt Aussteigen” and other support lines I tried out, is the involvement of the counselors.

All the methods I was given on self-reflecting, getting motivated and staying positive, even while facing great personal challenges, I find especially useful on almost every day-to-day activity.

The biggest difference between “Umsteigen statt Aussteigen” and other support lines I tried out, is the involvement of the counselors. You immediately can notice how personal they take your case and how genuine they are to help you.

An example of this is, that they will adjust the counseling according you according to your necessities and goals, providing different contacts in other areas of expertise, that may be able to further help you or suggestion insightful webpages where your can gather useful information.

I was expecting to get some bit of advice and then sent home with something to reflect on, but to my surprise, the prosses was extremely friendly.

More than advice

Not only did I received great advice but also tools for self-reflection, self- improvement and the courage and confidence of making decisions taking my own considerations. Throughout the prosses and after every meeting, I never felt like I was left to my own devices.

I got escorted to every stage and always felt heard.

I would recommend seeking counseling as soon as possible, even if you are doubting a little bit, it does not hurt to talk about your concerns. And never believe that just because you already started a degree your can‘t change and try a new one. It is your life and you must take the decisions and paths that will enable you to be happy.

Marc (24, 8/2020, Studienfachwechsel Internationales Tourismusmanagement, Bremen)

 „Umsteigen statt Aussteigen“ ist ein Projekt des Fachkräftebündnisses Leine-Weser und der Region Hannover, gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds.


Region Hannover
Leitung Koordinierungsstelle Hochschule und Beruf I Beratung und Projektkoordination Umsteigen statt Aussteigen
Marcus Voitel
Leitung Koordinierungsstelle Hochschule und Beruf I Beratung und Projektkoordination Umsteigen statt Aussteigen
Region Hannover
Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung

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