VRECH - the location

17.03.2023 - VRECH is a portal to the virtual world and various current metaverses.

The VRECH is a portal to the virtual world and various current metaverses. Various holodeckswith all the latesthead-mounted displays, fromthe MetaQuest tothe MicrosoftHololenstwoto the Pico4, beam participants into a wide variety of learning worlds.

The Virtual Reality Education Center Hannover is located in theMMBBSTVstudioonthe Expo Plaza. The colorful signage leads you directly to Germany's first immersive learning center. The VRECH offers 100 m² ofspaceforgroups of up to 20 participantsfor a wide variety of workshops.

Discover the potential of virtualand augmented reality, or work together on your own 360° videoor VR content on our large screens.

From introductory workshops to professional learning content development, the VRECH covers everything for the immersive learning of the future. The latestVR headsets, powerful workstations and the first VR trolley specially designed for school use(VIL:www.vil.schule)are available for this purpose. Book your group appointment for a VRECH workshop now or simply contact us if you have any individual questions or suggestions.

Contact us

Hanover Region
VRECH VR Education Center
Hanover Region
Project coordination
Hanna Sander-Böving
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
Hanna Böving
Hanover Region
Project management
Tim Mittelstaedt
Project management
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion

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