TheHIDD_hub platformis 100% open source, meaning that the source code is publicly accessible and can be freely viewed, expanded and redistributed by municipalities worldwide. TheHIDD_hubthus follows the principles of regional cooperation and transparency. The platform is based on EU standards (FIWARE), is GDPR-compliant and hosted in Lower Saxony.
Various sensor technology projects and IoT solutions can be implemented cost-effectively and quickly in this way. The integration of geoinformation systems is also possible. Open data allows municipal data to be made available and used for other purposes.
The development of a central urban data platform enables new smart city services and scalable IoT solutions. It can also increase the efficiency of existing and newly designed processes. By sharing data on the platform, better decisions can be made for urban and traffic planning, climate change adaptation and safety, for example. Open data solutions also contribute to new business models for start-ups and SMEs. In addition, a special program will strengthen digital skills in education at vocational schools (BBSen) and general education schools.
Contact us
Tim Mittelstaedt
Hanover Region
Economic Development
Department of Economic Development and Employment Promotion