Register now for a free language course!
In order to start the apprenticeship well prepared in terms of language skills, we offer
- AWO - Arbeiterwohlfahrt Region Hannover e.V.
- ISK - Institute for Languages and Communication e.V.
- Leine adult education center
preparatory vocational language courses for prospective trainees in a dual vocational training program.
- In the professional language course, you will improve your German language skills, learn technical terms and work on specialist texts in a group.
- You will learn working and learning techniques that will also help you later in your training to
- to open up texts and to be able to reproduce and summarize the content.
Writing training also plays a major role, such as the independent writing of texts in various forms.
The lessons are based on the content of the vocational schools in order to prepare you as well as possible for your training.
You have already signed your training contract and will start your training in August or September 2023.
Furthermore, an authorization to participate is required. You can apply for this directly from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The application is made via the language course provider. You will need
- Copy of the training contract
- Copy of your current residence permit or identity document (If you are an EU citizen, please send a copy of your passport or identity card).
- Copy of the last language certificate, if applicable
Participation is free of charge for you.
The courses start in mid-June 2023 with a duration of approx. 1 month.
Central registration for all courses is via the AWO Hannover, Ms. Nuray Albayrak-Karaköse, Tel.: +49 51122036344,
This offer is a language course funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in accordance with § 45a AufenthG in cooperation with: