Training manager

01.02.2024 - Create additional language support offers and link them with other support offers in order to improve access to and the chances of success in vocational training for newly immigrated trainees.

The Training Manager:in project focuses on the issue of language, which is one of the main reasons for newly immigrated trainees dropping out of training and affects both attendance at vocational school and the practical part in the training company.

The aim is to create additional language support programs and systematically link them with other training support programs (e.g. AsAflex).

In this pilot project, the training manager will initially be based at the BBS Campus Ohestraße. The schools have a number of training courses that are in particularly high demand from new immigrants and where there is a high risk of students dropping out.

Get your training off to a linguistically fit start - pre-training vocational language courses before the start of training

In pre-training vocational language courses for prospective trainees in dual vocational training, you will improve your German language skills, learn technical terms and become familiar with working and learning techniques.

Learn more

The training manager is continuously available on site and supports the vocational schools as well as the trainees and their training companies. In the interface function, he coordinates the various concerns of the network and offers space for exchange.

Operational tasks

  • Organization of regular information events, especially at the beginning of the school year.
  • Consultation hours for newly immigrated trainees.
  • Conducting regular exchanges with the responsible subject teachers on the direction and progress of the support measures.
  • Implementation of biannual network meetings with BBSn, companies and other stakeholders such as language course providers.

Target group

Newly immigrated trainees in the Hannover Region and their training companies

Project sponsor and partners

  • Sponsor: Oskar Kämmer School
  • Partner schools: BBS 3, BBS 2, BBS ME, BBS HA


  • Start: 09.01.2022
  • End: 31.10.2024

Contact us

Hanover Region
Project coordination
Sandra Gleue
Project coordination
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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