AI Masterclass for startups and companies (online event)

The modules are suitable for companies that are faced with limited resources due to staff shortages or that are looking for ways to make their internal processes more efficient or automate them using technical solutions.

Series of events

Date108.04.2024,14:00 - 16:00
Date215.04.2024,14:00 - 16:00
Date322.04.2024,14:00 - 16:00
Date429.04.2024,14:00 - 16:00


free of charge

Please note that the four dates in the event series build on each other. You therefore register for all dates at the same time. You will receive the access code with the confirmation email after registration.


Module 1: Use of AI assistants for internal knowledge management & customer consulting (Ari Berzenjie)

  • Introduction to AI chatbot tools
  • The basics of prompting
  • Live setup of the AI assistants
  • Q&A session

Module 2: Automation of routine tasks in marketing content creation (Ari Berzenjie)

  • Introduction to workflow automation
  • Live setup of workflow automation
  • Q&A session

Module 3: Fundamentals of AI (Gerd-Dirk Trang)

  • Demystifying the trend: a sober look at the potential and challenges
  • What is an AI strategy and why do you need it?
  • Overview of the next steps for implementing an AI strategy

Module 4: Relevance of data for AI (Gerd-Dirk Trang)

  • Integration of AI in strategic decision-making
  • Development of an AI-driven corporate strategy in line with business objectives
  • Case studies: AI projects from the SME sector (with a focus on manufacturing companies)
  • Excursus: Ethics in the use of AI - Prejudice and fairness in AI algorithms

Contact us

Project manager
Painter Worzischek
Project Manager
Digitization & Production Technology

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