Welcome Back

Network for women with families, for returning to work or reorientation

As a participant in the seminars and advice offered by the Women and Work Coordination Office, you have set out to start something new - and you are not alone.

In regular network meetings for women returning to work, we want to provide new impetus, space for exchange and support from those who are also on their way. Our topics are always "in tune with the times" and offer food for thought with a focus on women and careers. Take the opportunity to meet other women in the network and exchange experiences in a pleasant atmosphere. Keynote speeches, advice from colleagues and plenty of time for informal discussions are planned.

Be there and ...

... benefit from the exchange with women in a similar life situation.

... you will receive new input on current topics from the professional world and society.

... contribute your own ideas and let us shape the work of tomorrow together.

... have fun and make new contacts.

... be part of a network for empowerment and mutual support from women for women.

The events take place from 17-19:30 in the Haus der Region (room N001/N002):

June 17, 2024 Registration
Topic: "Women? Leadership? Me? - Why we need more women in leadership and what it takes"
ATTENTION: Different location!

November 25, 2024 Registration

We look forward to seeing you!

We look forward to your participation and meeting new and familiar faces at our networking event. This time on the topic of "Women in leadership". So if you would like to find out more about the topic and want to know: Is this perhaps something for me (after all)? Then come along!

Please see the invitation in PDF format for detailed information on parking and access to the building!

Invitation to the networking event on 17.06.2024

Communication is key -especially when it comes to legal and financial matters in a relationship. This became clear at the networking evening on 26.02.24. This goes hand in hand with being informed, not handing over responsibility to your partner, but acquiring knowledge and actively contributing to it. This became clear from the contributions of family lawyer Alexandra Becker and female finance expert Nadine Raddatz-Breden.

On the one hand, it is important to be aware of the legal provisions that actually go hand in hand with entering into a marriage and to seek advice accordingly. If there are any aspects that need to be clarified, a marriage contract is the right choice, as this is the only reliable safeguard for the agreements in the event of a divorce. A prenuptial agreement can also be concluded during the marriage. And another tip from a professional: you should always keep copies of your partner's financial transactions in your own hands, as this prevents money from "disappearing" in the event of a divorce that would actually be divided between the two of you.

On the other hand, it should be equally clear that legal regulations do not apply in a non-marital partnership and, if there are children, consideration should be given to the extent to which financial compensation should be created if one parent primarily takes on the care work and steps back professionally. A contract can also help here.

But whether with or without a partner, everyone should keep an eye on their own finances. For Ms. Raddatz-Breden, the process is not magic: get a detailed overview of your own income and expenditure, think about your wishes and goals (a property, great further education or early retirement and a motorhome?), know your own possible pension gap, find out about investments and investment opportunities and then: be courageous, take action and put things into practice!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our initiators Alexandra Becker and Nadine Raddatz-Breden as well as moderator Frieda Tirre, who led the evening with professionalism and a breath of fresh air, for the varied and knowledge-rich event. Thanks also to all the guests - we were delighted to see more than 80 faces who actively took part and engaged in discussion.

Photos of the event on 26.02.2024

Invitation to the networking event on 26.02.2024

We are delighted that so many people took part in our event!

With compatibility expert Franzi Helms, we took a look at the influence our socialization can have on thought and behaviour patterns and how much misogynistic attitudes and language are still shaped by centuries of history.

Here are some photographic impressions of the event.

We look forward to welcoming everyone who will be back at the next event on November 27 and all new guests who would like to get to know the network meetings!

Bibliography and contact Franzi Helms

Our motto this time is: "It's in our cradle! Let`s talk about socialization"

When? 26.06.2023 at 17:00-19:30
Where? House of the Hannover Region, Room N001

Note: Childcare will be provided by FLUXX. Please register your child by e-mail ( frauundberuf@region-hannover.de ).

That's the point:
Our image of women is changing. Whereas women used to have to integrate themselves into predetermined structures, today the options are diverse: children, career, housing, mobility, leisure - there are a multitude of options in all possible directions. Gender equality has also made steady progress. And that's a good thing! But why do we so often have a guilty conscience? Isn't everything good? Let's take a closer look.

Franzi Helms, the evening's moderator and keynote speaker, has dealt intensively with the feelings of guilt and remorse that often plague women. When she became a mother herself, she was confronted with high expectations and questions about her self-image. This evening, she will take us on a journey through time: how are we still shaped by traditional ideas and what does our socialization have to do with our feelings of guilt? This much can already be said: it is not a purely individual, but a social phenomenon and it is worth becoming aware of this in order to be able to go through life more easily.

Registration is possible until 23.06.2023 at https://programm.frau-und-beruf-hannover.de/information-beratung/welcome-back-netzwerktreffen-2/.

All interested parties are cordially invited. We look forward to seeing you!

Andrea Seifert

"Care & Career" - our last networking event showed that these two topics are not only very close in terms of wording!

The consultant and coach Sonja de Vries guided us through this exciting and varied evening, supported by Birthe, Hilke, Jonas and Annica, who were not only available for the panel discussion, but also led corner talks.

The guests reported on their experiences of sharing care work as partners and communication within the partnership and with the employer, as varied as the best practice stories were: All of them emphasized how important good organization and agreements are. How important it is to clearly formulate your own needs , but also to always be open to the needs of others so that everyone is pulling in the same direction.family calendar and network are important tools for everyone.
Another important quality is flexibility : plans can change at short notice at any time and then you need to activate support from your network and, if in doubt, decide which job has priority.

In the corner talks, discussions on four topics were explored in greater depth: In addition to "Communication with the employer", "Communication in the partnership" and "Flexible/ Agile solutions ", there was also the topic of "Bullshit sentences":"You chose it that way!","...but you look after children out of love!"and "Have fun with your children at the weekend!"are just a few of many statements that are certainly often well-intentioned, but leave many parents frustrated as they make the efforts of care work invisible.

One conclusion of all the Corner Talks was:

Have courage! Have the courage to try things out and tackle your dreams. Have the courage to ask for support from both your employer and your environment, for example. Have the courage to make mistakes and correct them so that you can continue with motivation and optimism.

As always, there was also plenty of room for long and extensive discussions, inspired by the open atmosphere and the shared challenges of everyday life.

We thank you all for your participation and are already looking forward to the next network meeting on 26.06.2023 !

"Care and Career" March 17

Dear interested parties,

Are you wondering how to combine work and family life? Are you interested in impulses and/or exchange from and with others? Then you are cordially invited to our networking event on March 6 on the topic of "Care and Career"!

You can download the full invitation and the link to the registration form as a PDF below.

We look forward to meeting you!
Your Women and Work Coordination Office

Invitation to the "Care and Career" network meeting on March 6

The 3rd network meeting of the year was held under the motto:

"Single parents - breaking new ground together".

In the interviews with single parents, it became clear that childcare in particular is a major issue when it comes to the hurdles faced by single parents. Getting a place, coping with closing times and the high workload at off-peak times are the major issues. There is still a lot to be done in this area, and employers are also called upon to provide more flexibility in the workplace.

However, the initiators can also say that the life situation has allowed them to grow. The ability to organize, persevere and assert themselves are just some of the skills that are particularly strong in them. For this reason, Leena Wilke also says:

"If I were an employer, I would hire single parents en masse".

The women also reported on what particularly helps them to deal with the situation: talking to like-minded people, creating islands in everyday life to switch off and using support services such as guardianship, a service provided by the Youth Welfare Office that includes asserting maintenance claims.

Claudia Froböse's practical report then dealt with an additional model of parenthood: together with a couple who are friends and also have a child, they form a kind of care community. Their daughter is not only with them, but also lives with the extended family for a few days.

Afterwards, the speakers from the Association for Single Mothers and Fathers Hanover (VAMV) Monika Salmen and the Coordination Office for Single Parents Livia Taudien had their say. The VAMV offers initial advice for single parents, but also many opportunities to network in groups. Even

  • therapeutic boxing
  • WG exchanges and
  • short legal consultations are in the repertoire.

The Co-Office also offers an opportunity for initial contact for single parents, but also initiates projects to improve the structural situation of single parents.

The experiences, information and opportunities to talk enriched the evening. We would therefore like to thank all those who provided impulses and all those who were interested and look forward to seeing you again on March 6, 2023 on the topic of " Care and Career ".

A big thank you also to the caregivers of the emergency care program "Fluxx", who made a great play program for children possible during the event!

"Welcome Back" has finally taken place in presence again! With this follow-up we would like to review the network meeting from 27.06.22. Together with Ingrid Freels from GründerinnenConsult and Berit Lüdecke and Nina Kaienburg from the Social Innovation Center, we focused on the topic of start-ups and were delighted with the lively participation.

"I have an idea..."

... and this idea could be the start of something really big!

Three admirable women have shown us this: Claudia Wonnemann (MoinBambú) makes artistic, shade-providing roof constructions from bamboo, Claudia Völkening offers highly gifted children and young people as well as their parents and teachers advice and tailor-made services with "BegabungsBlick", Rita Crecelius uses the techniques of "ICDP" to teach care workers not only how to interact with children and residents in a positive and caring way, but also to maintain a self-caring view of their own well-being.

All three spoke impressively about their start-up stories and gave those present an authentic insight into the beautiful and stressful moments they had experienced. What they also had in common was the support they received from GründerinnenConsult and the Social Innovation Center. During their presentations and the subsequent panel discussion, Claudia, Claudia and Rita talked about the advice they had received and the individual "modules" they had used during their start-up process. All three felt very well supported and recommended one thing in particular to the interested women: you don't have to do it alone! Take advantage of the great offers that are available!

After this energetic evening, even those who were still undecided went home with lots of new ideas and motivation.

At this point, we would like to draw your attention to the Value Proposition Canvas, which is used to check a business idea: https: //digitalzentrum-hannover.de/wp-content/uploads/articulate_uploads/Lernnugget_VPC_v2-Veroeffentlicht8/index.html

We would like to thank Ingrid Freels, Berit Lüdecke and Nina Kaienburg for their great cooperation and Claudia Wonnemann, Claudia Völkening and Rita Crecelius for their willingness to share their experiences with us and provide everyone with a great deal of courage and confidence!

How diverse am I and if so, who else?

The first network meeting in 2022 was all about diversity. Dr. Sievers from Leibniz University gave a vivid introduction to the topic: What does diversity mean? How diverse am I myself?

Together, we collected ideas about the areas in which diversity exists. These included age, origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity. All of these things are part of our personality, they define us and enrich us!

Unfortunately, the topic of diversity also includes discrimination. Dr. Sievers explained the "unconscious bias" here: even when we are enlightened and reflective, we still carry stereotypes and prejudices around with us that influence our perception, for better or worse.

In the work context, this often means that diversity is seen as an obstacle, as people are ascribed certain characteristics or behaviors based on their diversity aspects. As a result, line managers are often more likely to hire people who are similar to them or with whom they associate positive characteristics. But diversity is not only an enrichment for a team, it also has economic benefits for companies, which is why it is worth promoting it!

How does that work? There are many approaches in "diversity management": you become aware of the structures in the company, recognize where there is a need for action and develop measures to specifically promote diversity.

Monday, February 21 from 18:00 - 20:15 online via "Webex"

Our topic this time is: How diverse am I actually and if so, who else?

Far too often we focus on our weaknesses: I didn't manage that. I could have done that better. If only I had...? Why can't I...?

Some of these thoughts are shaped by our socialization: As a woman, I have to take a back seat. I wasn't born here, so I have to adapt. I'm not of the age where you do that. But it is precisely these characteristics that offer opportunities for us as individuals and as a society - we just have to recognize them.

All of this is part of the topic of "diversity management", an approach that understands diversity as a resource. At our first network meeting this year, we are eagerly awaiting a presentation by Dr. Isabel Sievers, Diversity Management Officer at Leibniz Universität Hannover, who will show us how unconscious prejudices and attitudes can inhibit and slow down us or other people in our environment.

Secondly, we take a look at the opportunities that diversity opens up. Let's recognize negative attributions together and counter them with something positive. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and finding ways to embrace diversity together.


If you are interested, you can register directly online by clicking here.

If you would like to be kept up to date on network meetings, current events and job offers from our network, join our LinkedIn group "Welcome Back Online".

The Coordination Office for Women and Work in the Hannover Region is funded by the State of Lower Saxony and the European Union.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of the Women and Career Coordination Office
Ayten Berse
Head of the Coordination Office for Women and Work
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
Hanover Region
Advice from the Women and Work Coordination Office
Mila Marinova
Advice Coordination office for women and work
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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