Information and dates

11.06.2024 - Current information and dates from the Women and Work Coordination Office

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*** Information and news ***

"I can't do it without me" networking event and reading for single parents with SPIEGEL bestselling author Anne Dittmann on 6.6.2024

Yesterday, 06.06.24, the Coordination Office for Women and Work invited women to the Glüxxeck Café for the event "Ohne mich geht's nicht - Mit Kind allein und doch berufstätig sein". Mirror bestselling author Anne Dittmann presented her book "Solo, selbst und ständig - Was Alleinerziehende wirklich brauchen" to over 30 women and together with the participants we talked about everything that life as a single and separated parent entails:
Starting with the topic of separation, continuing with the living and parenting models as well as valuable tips on the topics of career development, leadership, money, care, leisure and personal development, through to the comprehensive skills that single parents have because they often have sole responsibility for all the areas mentioned.

There was discussion, laughter and a few tears were shed - some topics are so emotional.

Anne Dittmann encouraged the women: Be aware that you have an incredible number of skills as a single parent, from problem-solving skills to management and high stress resistance. And broaden your perspective: Don't just think about the job where you are treated nicely and are satisfied, but also think about professional (further) development, higher positions, financial independence, helping to shape things so that something happens, also for others. Be a role model for others, support yourselves and pull other women up with you. Moderator Lydia Schültken also confirms that those who sit in the executive chair themselves can turn the cogs that bring about change.

What has Anne Dittmann learned from her situation? She has gained deep confidence in herself - or rather, she has built it up over time. She knows that she can manage her own life and that she has achieved financial independence. This requires a strong network, exchange with others and information about opportunities and offers.

Ayten Berse, head of the Ko'stelle, says it clearly: "Only those who are informed, who know their goals and demand something for themselves will be heard and can take the path that is right for them.

Anne Dittmann also knows that single parents face many hurdles and tangible injustices. That is what unites them and yet they are not a homogeneous group and face a wide variety of challenges.

The unfair taxation compared to married couples, who benefit from spousal splitting, was one aspect. Even as a single person without children, you would hardly be left with less money, although single parents provide for several people at once and at the same time ensure that the pension funds are filled later.

But apart from that - what is the best way to live when separated and with child(ren)? The various models (nest, residence, extended residence and alternating model) were discussed. The decision must be made individually. How far apart do the parents live after the separation and do they get on well together so that the alternating model is feasible? Is the nest model even financially feasible? Have there been experiences in the relationship that make it impossible or even harmful to maintain contact with the other parent?

Many topics could still be discussed, but one afternoon is not enough.

But one thing still needs to be clarified: How do I make enough money with the little time I have?

Many ideas were collected in order to advance professionally and receive support. Without claiming to be exhaustive, some of them are mentioned here:

Coordination office for women and work in the Hanover region

Career guidance in working life: https: //

Equal Opportunities Officer at the Employment Agency ( ) and the Jobcenter ( )

Self-employment (we also recommend the advice center Gründerinnen-Consult: ); e.g. also as a small business owner

IHK: https: //

Further training advice: https: //

Leisure activities for single parents

Fluxx emergency support

It was a lively afternoon, with goosebumps, nods of approval, lots of contributions, children playing and a fantastic team of speakers consisting of Lydia Schültken and Anne Dittmann. A big thank you also goes to the FLUXX employees who did a great job with the childcare and made it possible for women to take part at all.

The trade fair for women in STEM professions, formerly "Womenpower", presented itself in a new guise this year: with a new name and now taking place over two days, but with the advantages of previous years, namely many workshops and lectures on careers, soft skills, leadership and trends in the world of work, for which more time was now planned.

The Coordination Office was also there and, unlike in previous years, was represented with its own stand. The focus was on the compatibility of family and career and the ÜBV e.V. was presented as an association for family orientation in companies as well as the advice and seminars for women offered by the Coordination Office for Women and Career.

As many women are not familiar with the coordination centers in Lower Saxony and the associated business associations, the stand was a good opportunity to raise awareness of the great offer. In addition, great new contacts were made that will expand the network of the coordination office and the ÜBV.

The Ko-Stelle's new visual with the claim "Courageous, open, clear", which could be seen on bags and the matching display, also ensured a successful appearance. The motto can be interpreted in very different ways. But one possible interpretation is:

Be brave to go your own way, be open to opportunities and support and make sure you gain clarity about your issues and your next steps.

To ensure that other women also have access to the fair, the ÜBV e. V. took on a student sponsorship for 15 women from the " Neustart MINT " project, for which the Hannover Region is the sponsor of the university portion.

Fachtagung für Unternehmer*innen und PersonalverantwortlicheAnnemarie Bartoli
Symposium for entrepreneurs and HR managers

It is no longer news that the labor market is changing and that employers will have to adapt more and more to the fact that in future employees will have the choice of which company they want to work for rather than employers being able to select employees from a large number of applicants.

However, this development not only presents major challenges, but also significant opportunities - for both sides. The symposium, organized by the Hannover Region Employment Promotion Agency (which also includes the coordination office), was used to break this down and look at the added value that opening up companies to a greater diversity of people and taking their life situations into account can bring.

The great moderation of Ninia LaGrande guided us through the day, which was filled with exciting contributions and enriching workshops.

As regional president, Steffen Krach gave an honest but also encouraging welcome address on the subject of the need for skilled workers, which affects both the region in a geographical sense and the companies.

Hans Jablonski gave the interactive keynote speech. In addition to explaining the terms "diversity" and "diversity management" and the benefits of diversity management, he also gave practical recommendations for action: if you understand openness to diversity as a personal development process on several levels, a successful approach is within reach. Positioning yourself, being open to feedback and offering unconscious bias training for everyone are a few tips for getting the topic off the ground.

This was followed by four different workshops:

What can Jürgen learn from Max or the baby boomers from Generation Z and vice versa?
What constitutes the "German work culture" and to what extent do we need it or not?
What makes intercultural teams so valuable and what are the challenges?
Why does the lack of relevance of the issue of work-life balance in companies reduce productivity and therefore revenue?

These were just some of the questions that were discussed and offered many suggestions for further thought - and, above all, action.

In a concluding discussion round, experts and managers once again provided practical input and questions arose such as "How do you deal with conversations between colleagues in the company that are not conducted in German?" Tolerate it? Prevent it? Handle it differently depending on the situation? There were definitely different arguments and positions here.

The symposium "Few skilled workers, lots of diversity" was a complete success - thank you for attending!

Our events - How it was

BERUF.FAMILIE.FINANZEN. in Hemmingen on 27.04.

© Annemarie bartoli
Women's breakfast in Hemmingen

Together with around 40 women, we kicked off the "Career.Family.Finance" series of events. Initial discussions were held in a pleasant atmosphere and over a delicious breakfast. Afterwards, Sonja de Vries gave a keynote speech on the topic of finances and retirement provision. Later, things got moving again. At a market of opportunities with the Hanover Employment Agency, the Jobcenter Region Hannover, Gründerinnen Consult, the Leine VHS and the Koordinierungsstelle Frau und Beruf (Women and Career Coordination Office), people were able to go from table to table and find out about what was on offer.

The next event of this kind will take place at the VHS in Neustadt am Rübenberge on 28.09.2023, 09:30 to 12:30.

Registrations are already possible:

Frau&Beruf at H1 in the program "0511"

Please click to load the video from YouTube. Personal data may be transferred to the provider.

What is still missing for equality - video spot of the Hannover Region

Please click to load the video from YouTube. Personal data may be transferred to the provider.
Hannover Region video spot on equality between men and women

If the family's network does not work, the regular care of their child fails or no solution can be organized in the personal environment for relatives in need of support, "Fluxx" offers parents or relatives immediate advice and support.

The Coordination Office for Women and Work in the Hannover Region is funded by the State of Lower Saxony and the European Union.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of the Women and Career Coordination Office
Ayten Berse
Head of the Coordination Office for Women and Work
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
Hanover Region
Advice from the Women and Work Coordination Office
Mila Marinova
Advice Coordination office for women and work
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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