
16.05.2024 - Which speakers will you meet as part of our continuing education program? You can find an overview here.

Anna Brandes

Anna Brandes

Dialogue is at the heart of my work. I use various formats to connect people and create the basis for shaping change processes together, finding solutions and developing concepts and understanding for each other. Respectful and appreciative encounters at eye level result in inspiration in a variety of ways.

Professional focus

  • Owner of WALDLICHTUNG (since 2014) - including individually tailored conception and moderation of company workshops, meetups and BarCamps, as well as relaxed and heartfelt dialog formats for private individuals, such as "Philosopherei" and "Lunch-Connection"
  • Systemic coach (EASC)
  • LEGO® Serious Play® Facilitator
  • Training in Design Thinking
  • Creative Entrepreneurship" training, Knowmads Business School Amsterdam
  • Manager at TUI Deutschland GmbH and TUI AG
  • Experience abroad in Australia, England, Netherlands, Spain & Cyprus


Emine Decker

© Emine Decker

About my work

My passion and many years of experience is the successful support of people and projects in change processes, including in an intercultural context: quadrilingual: German, English, Turkish, Arabic. In career counseling, I help people to discover their potential and use it for their professional success.

Core competencies

Successful special consulting, especially for specialists and managersSeminars on various topics - job market GermanyProfessional support in researching and approaching companies in the job marketSpecial skills in dealing with people in order to take them along, inspire and motivate themHigh social and intercultural competence as well as integrityForeign language skills: English, Turkish and Arabic

Professional background

  • Many years of professional experience in the field of career/outplacement consulting
  • Approval as a provider in accordance with § 178 SGB III in conjunction with AZAV
  • Training as a "Train the Trainer" (Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
  • Certified team leader (IHK)Certification in interviewing skills for HR consultants (IHK)
  • Trained and successfully licensed as contributors for the job-related aptitude assessment/evaluation and the aptitude interview (AC) according to DIN 33430 at the Professional Association of German Psychologists
  • State-certified and recognized legal specialist

Tessa Forsblad

© Tessa Forsblad

Topics :

  • Women in leadership
  • Development of junior staff
  • Leadership (modern, agile & clear)Career advancement/expansion and transition
  • Balancing life and work
  • New WorkAgile working

Know How:

  • Professional experience in the service sector (since 2000)
  • Marketing business economist
  • Manager (9 years)
  • International project work (12 years)
  • Coach (2.5 years training based on transactional analysis)
  • Podcaster

Methods :

  • Transactional analysis
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (Facilitator from 2020)
  • Design Thinking Shadowing, Mentoring...

Sabine Gräßler-Zorn

Sabine Gräßler-Zorn

Further training

  • Rhetoric, conversation skills, consulting skillsCertified trainer for network management and public relations

Professional activities

  • Over 20 years of experience in the field of equal opportunities in the labor market
  • Individual counseling on professional re-entry and career planning
  • Group information events on returning to work
  • Planning and implementation of events on career entry, re-entry after family leave and career advancement for women
  • Founder of and member of networks for the professional qualification of womenMentor in professional career support

Voluntary commitment

Member of Frauen im Management (FIM) e.V. for eleven years.Member of the board of the Landesfrauenrat Niedersachen (LFRN) e.V. since fall 2019

Helga Barbara Gundlach

© Helga B.Gundlach
Helga Barbara Gundlach

I want to achieve understanding for other cultural influences, for other needs, that we respect our diversity - and that we are in conversation. This means that we listen to and appreciate each other. But we also need to be clear and take a stand when someone does not abide by democratic rules. I look forward to exciting discussions!

  • Born 1965
  • Education: Studied Religious Studies, History, Politics (M. A.)
  • Additional qualifications in adult education; further training in psychodrama; systemic consultant; further training in ergonomics
  • Certified Xpert CCS trainer and examiner, regional representative, member of the nationwide advisory committee Xpert Culture Communication Skills
  • Works nationwide as a speaker, consultant, moderator and author on intercultural and transcultural competence, flight and migration, diversity, intercultural and diversity-oriented opening processes, prejudices and right-wing, discriminatory communication for the areas of administration, education, social affairs, health, volunteering, etc.
  • Member and former lecturer at the Diversity - Migration - Education Unit Leibniz University Hannover
  • External spokesperson for the education expert group in the LIP/WIR2.0 process of the state capital Hannover
  • Supporter and advisor of the NeMiA network Migrant Women's Labor Market Lower Saxony
  • Expert for GRETA - Competent action in training, courses and seminars, German Institute for Adult Education
  • Member of the jury of the Regional Fund for Diversity and Participation of the Hannover Region

Further information: http: //helga-b-gundlach.de/

Claudia Günther

Claudia Tetz-Froböse

Studied economics, found her basic vocation in adult education, managed a communications company, founded a publishing house in 2012 and is now an author, coach and trainer.

As an author, she mainly writes for her own publishing house's target group-specific magazines. As a coach, she helps people to get in touch with their strengths. And as a trainer, she covers topics such as the application process. She also accompanies two great children through life.


Nicole Hahn

Nicole Hahn

Coaching for more joie de vivre and ease of mind through work-life balance.

In my coaching sessions, I accompany people on their path to pursuing their professional ambitions with determination and achieving fulfillment in their careers. I also support clients in finding ways to reconcile family and career without a guilty conscience and to develop inspiration and courage for their future career path after parental leave or a sabbatical.

The personal needs of the client are at the forefront.

In addition to individual systemic coaching, I work with methods such as painting in coaching or coaching while walking.

I am a systemic coach, business education graduate and NLP practitioner. After 15 years in various positions at different companies in the textile industry in Innsbruck, Munich, London and Hanover, I decided to focus on my core topics of work-life balance, understanding of roles, equality and partnership.

I am passionate about the creative and unconventional. I like to paint and dip my hands in color. That's why I also run painting courses for children. Art makes me feel alive and free.
When I have the opportunity, I go hiking in the mountains. Walking is meditation for me and I draw my energy from nature.

w ww.nico lehahncoaching.de

Nicole Hertwig

Nicole Hertwig

Graduate designer, lecturer and coach for visual & verbal communication.

Founded the agency excessiv.design... sharpens the senses in 2004. She has been working as a designer and photographer for 15 years and as a coach and lecturer in the field of career guidance and business start-up advice, with a focus on communication and marketing, for a good five years.

  • Profiling_Potential analysis
  • Competence development
  • Selfmarketing_The ICH brand
  • Visual language_Emotional design
  • Motivation training

NEW: Certified resilience trainer (since 2020), specialist consultant for high sensitivity (since 2021); specialist consultant for stress management & burnout (since 2021).

Further information: https: //www.excessiv.de/

Britta Holla

Britta Holla

Co-founder, coach and consultant at hop consulting (Hanover, married with 2 daughters)

Focus areas :

Accompanying change, personal development, diagnostics & blended learning formats

Education & Qualifications:

Business graduate, systemic coach, blended learning trainer & NLP master

Professional background:

  • HR manager of various start-up companies
  • Management consultant for international management training

Particular strengths:

Building things, thinking creatively, breaking new ground and working with many "colorful" people.


Merle Hübner

Merle Hübner

I was born in Osnabrück. After graduating from high school, I studied biology at the TU Braunschweig. I then completed further training as an IT specialist in microcomputer technology at the IAM in Braunschweig.

I gained professional know-how as a programmer, systems engineer and web designer. I have been working as a freelance IT specialist and lecturer since 1995 and offer courses and coaching on the following topics, among others:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Scientific work with Excel
  • Presentations
  • Smartboard
  • Photo editing with Adobe Photoshop and Affinity PhotoDesign with Adobe InDesign and Illustrator
  • HTML web design, CSSCMS systems, blogs
  • Internet applications
  • Social media, online marketing
  • Data security
  • Computer viruses
  • Windows and Android operating systems

Further information:


Manfred Joppke

Manfred Joppke

Manfred Joppke, trainer and consultant for personnel and organizational development; communication trainer and coach. Main areas of activity in the health and care sector, in public institutions, industrial and service companies.

Studied environmental planning and economics at the University of Hanover with a focus on planning-related sociology, customer relationship management and work and organizational psychology.

Further training as a trainer and coach in communication psychology, systemic counseling and NLP. Life - Work - Planning Trainer according to R. N. Bolles, USA. Organizational and system constellations, mediator according to the guidelines of the BMEV.

Christine Jung

Christine Jung

Coach and process facilitator

Motto: Shape your own self-determination.

Graduate pedagogue and consultant for women's issues in culture, politics and education, nurse

Coaching training:

  • Systemic counseling and process-oriented coaching (Nordsee-Akademie, 2011);
  • Process facilitator (European Coaching Association, 2019)
  • Author Essence core game
  • Freelance coach, lecturer and process facilitator since 2007

My offers include:

  • Individual coaching
  • Educational offers (workshops, lectures)
  • Vision development
  • Potential profile
  • Value development
  • Playful methods/change of perspective

Core topic: Connecting people with many interests (e.g. highly sensitive, highly gifted, scanners) with themselves in a playful way. Helping them to find out who they are, what makes them tick and what they really want in a professional reorientation. To find a suitable and feasible way for you to implement it in your life.


Nina Kaienburg

Nina Kaienburg

Talent and organizational developer

  • Degree in Communication & Media Studies
  • Systemic coach
  • Design Thinker
  • Professional Scrum Master and agile coach
  • Career counselor according to the Zurich-Mainz model
  • Many years of experience in supporting change projects and in personnel development
  • Over 15 years of experience in management consulting and international corporations Several months abroad in Australia, the USA and Sweden
  • Enthusiastic supporter of New Work and agile working methods

Current focus of work

  • New Work Team and organizational development
  • Female Leadership & New Work
  • Agile working methods
  • Creative workshop design
  • Job crafting - actively shaping the working environment
  • Career counseling - helping people to find a job that suits them and makes them as happy as possible

Maret Karaca

© Maret Karaca

My motto: "Everyone said it couldn't be done. Then someone came along who didn't know that and just did it."

I have been working as a holistic expert at Holisticon AG since September 2018 and am an agile coach by conviction. I am driven by transparent communication, value-adding work and, above all, respect in collaboration.
Together with my colleagues, I help companies on their path to agility and respectful cooperation. We use methods and frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban or Liberating Structures, but above all we focus on coaching and a holistic and systemic view.

In addition, I am committed to my favorite topic, "Working Out Loud", to bring people together and help them build sustainable and stable networks.


Astrid Klink

© Astrid Klink

I have been living my vocation as a freelance coach and trainer since 2010. Member of the German Federal Association of Coaching as a Professional Coach DBVC.

My main areas of coaching are, on the one hand, supporting people in their professional orientation and development right from the start and, on the other hand, the large area of stress management and relaxation. I run certified health courses such as "Calm and confident under stress", "Progressive muscle relaxation" and workshops in companies in the area of workplace health promotion.

Two mottos whose truth I experience again and again - not only in coaching:

1. "There are few things more enlightening than knowing your own values and understanding where they take you!"
2. "Instead of letting the waves roll over you, learn to ride them."

My qualifications and experience:

  • Diploma in Education, Master's degree in Management of Health and Social Institutions
  • Several years of professional experience in the (semi-)inpatient care of the elderly, chronically mentally ill and addicts
  • Annual training as a TÜV-certified coach, group and team coach at the German Coaching Academy, for which I have been working as a coaching trainer for several years with great pleasure
  • Pedagogical collaboration in various educational projects, including two cooperation projects between Hildesheim University and Hildesheim Adult Education Center to create online materials for career guidance at schools and to network recognition counseling for foreign academics
  • Yoga teacher (DPS)
  • Numerous further training courses: in relaxation and stress management, mindfulness coaching, psychodrama, bodywork with focusing

Further information: astrid-klink-coaching.de

Dr. Mechthild Klotz

Dr. Mechthild Klotz

Born 1954

Professional background


  • Theater direction
  • Dramaturgy for stage and TV
  • Mediation
  • Systemic constellation work
  • Interdisciplinary studies in psychology/ philosophy/ theater studies

Professional activity:

  • Direction
  • Head of dramaturgy and public relations at Austrian and German municipal and state theaters
  • Guided tour private theater
  • Rhetoric and acting training
  • Training for employees and managers
  • Concepts for team-building measures
  • Individual support in development coaching and the moderation of change processes in companies

Specialty: Combining working methods from directing with methods of personal development

Active in the educational association since 2000 (rhetoric, negotiation, creative conflict management).


Elisabeth Knelangen

Elisabeth Knelangen


  • Educational science with a psychoanalytical orientation


  • Data processing clerk
  • Systemic Coaching Training I+II, NWA / FH Osnabrück
  • Systemic change management, eurosyteam Heidelberg
  • Certified trainer for embodied communication, ISMZ Zurich
  • Certified trainer ZRM©(Zurich Resource Model), ISMZ Zurich


  • Change management
  • Relational Coaching / Sonja Radatz
  • PsychodramaTransactional analysis
  • Stress management
  • Communication theoriesTeam processes and group dynamics
  • Mentalization-based counselling
  • Werk Akadamie / Dick Vink

Main topics

  • Personal development
  • Communication
  • Dealing with conflicts
  • Leadership in complex environments
  • Transformational leadership
  • Developing and using creativity
  • Self-management
  • Quick-wittedness and argumentation
  • ModerationTeam processes
  • CRM in coaching and groups

Eva Knoche

Eva Knoche

Born on 06.06.1975

Training and further education

  • Systemic consultant; Institute for systemic-integrative therapy and counseling in Hanover
  • Systemic therapist; Institute for systemic-integrative therapy and counseling, Essen
  • Psychosocial compact training: Counseling, Coaching, Training, Mediation; Institute for Psychosocial Education (IPSA), Osnabrück
  • Train the Trainer Mindfulness Training - Certificate
  • Conducting stress management seminars and telephone coaching, Corrente KielLicense as Heartmath Coach
    Coaching to strengthen resilience & coherence, HeartMath Germany
  • Studied law at the University of Giessen

Qualifications and experience

  • Trainer and consultant in the business and social sectors (since 2005)
  • Conducting seminars on the topics:
    • Communication, conflict competence, mediation, moderation and team development
    • Mindfulness, stress management, salutogenesis, meditation
    • Coaching on personal and professional issues
    • Foreign languages:English and French: very good written and spoken due to longer stays abroad

Industry experience, including:

  • Automotive and supplier industry
  • Banks and insurance companies
  • IT and telecommunications
  • Healthcare
  • Education

Further information: www.menschen-in-entwicklung.de

Johanna Prien-Kaplan

After ten years as a social and cultural anthropologist in Berlin and Bhutan, I returned to my old home in Hanover. My interest in women and women's issues, which I had already focused on in my research, has led me on my new path towards equality, diversity and anti-discrimination.

My aim is to support people on an individual level to improve their personal life situation and on a social level to do something about structural discrimination against women and other genders as well as people from different cultural backgrounds. The topic of "reconciling family and career" has also grown close to my heart since my three children present me with new challenges on a daily basis.

- BA Regional Studies Asia/Africa

- MA Central Asian Studies

- Many long-term stays in 10 different countries

- Research assistant at the HU Berlin

- Xpert Culture Communication Skills© (Master)

- Project coordination

- Agile working methods

- Working Out Loud

Alexandra Raddatz

Nerissa Rothhardt

Nerissa Rothhardt

Your rhetorical concerns are in the best hands with me in many respects:

Since 2010 I have been training groups, teams and individuals in seminars and coaching on the topics of rhetoric & voice and communication & conflict.

I am also an event presenter, keynote speaker, podcaster and organizer and presenter of the event series "Nessis Promi Talk", as well as a qualified conflict mediator, supervisor and systemic consultant.

Originally coming from a classical music background, I am a qualified orchestral musician and have been performing solo, in chamber music and orchestras since the age of 14.

After 25 years in orchestra and musical theater, I have changed sides and now, 14 years and about 10,000 people later, I am ready to make YOU fit for YOUR performance on the stage of life.

Podcast "I whisper something to you"


Insa Schulze

© Photo private

Since July 2021, I have been supporting the Women and Work Coordination Office as a freelancer in the areas of public relations and event planning.
As a special needs teacher, I particularly like the individual and holistic approach that the Coordination Office uses to empower women and promote equality.
The meaningfulness of my work is also important to me at my other job, the BNW. In one project, I support people looking for work individually over several months to improve their life situation.

Antoaneta Slavova

Antoaneta Slavova
Antoaneta Slavova

Owner: Art therapy for emotional health

Psychoanalytic art therapist (DFKGT, WFKT)

Social psychologist, sociologist M.A

Alternative practitioner for psychotherapy

Developer - bildASet method -

Creativity dispels fear and creates trust!

There is creative potential in each of us and in an art therapy process we rediscover our self-confident thinking, acting, imagining and feeling.

Professional focus

  • Support for professionals from the social-helping and healing professions
  • Promoting art therapy as prevention for mental health
  • Self-awareness, self-reflection and caring
  • Teaching art therapy
  • Supervision with visual means
  • Development of the bildASet method/training/evaluation and scientific monitoring
  • Cross-cultural projects in Bulgaria and Greece

Professional background

  • Many years of professional experience with women and girls affected by violence
  • Manager (11 years)
  • Teaching Art Therapy for the Bachelor - Art Therapy - Social Art
  • Development and implementation of art therapy projects in individual and group settings


Claudia Strauss

Claudia Strauss
  • Born in 1969, married, mother of a 16-year-old son
  • Resident in the royal seat of Bückeburg, Lower Saxony
  • Certified coach (EAS)
  • System and team coach, hypno-coach and psychological counselor

Contact: www.claudiastrauss.com , mail@claudiastrauss.com

Mentoring/coaching for women according to the YES principle

- Be free from emotional stress -

  • Emotion management - a balanced emotional world
  • Healthy self-care - paying attention to your own needs and standing up for yourself
  • Loving self-image - finding a 'yes' to yourself
  • Self-test: "Am I a people pleaser?" claudiastrauss.com/pp-quiz

Professional experience in freelance work since 2009

  • Experience in the field of trauma-sensitive coaching
  • Trainer for healthy communication and resilience
  • Experience in mediation and conflict resolution
  • Comprehensive know-how in the field of systemic coaching and hypnosis coaching and energetic coaching
  • Many years of experience in psychological counseling as well as in trauma and grief counseling
  • Professional orientation and career counseling

Jutta Talley

Jutta Talley

Freelance breathing, speech and voice teacher as well as systemic therapist and consultant (SG-certified), worked for years as a speech, language and voice therapist in various practices and in parallel in pedagogical work with adults in the field of voice, speech and communication.

Since 2012, she has focused on working with adults in her own rooms:

  • Voice & speech training - for a present vocal, oratorical expression,
  • Voice therapy - to give your voice more space again,
  • Systemic communication consulting - for a successful "communication dance" using verbal and paraverbal linguistic means
  • systemic consulting & training.

Born and raised in Berlin, she lives in the beautiful south of Hanover with her husband and two sons.

Nicole Thieme

Nicole Thieme

She has been a coach, trainer and mentor since 2014 and, as a source of inspiration, personality developer and leadership fairy, encourages "young" female specialists and managers in particular to discover their talents, develop their potential, eliminate doubts and shape and reconcile their professional and personal careers with fun and success.

Before she decided to pass on her own knowledge and wide-ranging experience, she trained as a hotel manager and worked for 20 years as an employee in a medium-sized company, most recently for 10 years as commercial manager and authorized signatory at a television production company.

As a working mother of two sons, she is also all too familiar with the balancing act between a responsible position and being a family person. Her vision is for this to become a matter of course.

She lives with her husband and two sons in Hemmingen, in the south of Hanover, where she also works and networks in her own premises.

Professional qualifications:

  • Many years of management experience
  • Specialist trainer for business & consulting
  • Specialist trainer for psychological counseling
  • Alternative practitioner in the field of psychotherapy
  • NLP PractitionerFurther training to become an NLP Master


Barbara Rottwinkel-Kröber

Sonja de Vries

Sonja de Vries

Main topics:

  • Organization
  • Project management, classic and agile
  • Compatibility of family and career
  • Finances for women and families
  • MiniMOMlism
  • Networking

Training and experience:

  • certified business coach (IACC),
  • Agile Coach (IHK)
  • Train the Trainer (IHK)
  • Management consultant, trainer, coach
  • 10 years of auditing and tax consulting
  • 17 years of project management and process optimization in
    financial sector in medium-sized companies - national and international
  • Diplom-Betriebswirtin: Taxes / Auditing
  • Tax clerk

References at: www.coaching-wedemark.de

Katrin Wilkens

Katrin Wilkens

Born 1971

Katrin Wilkens studied rhetoric and worked as a trainer in further education and founded the Hamburg job profiling agency i.do .

Since 2000 she has been writing as a freelance journalist for Spiegel, Zeit, FAZ, Nido and many others. What she is really good at: portraying important and less important personalities so that they howl with happiness. Or with rage. Combining. Getting to the heart of things. Looking inside people. Discovering special features.

Taming and subduing three unruly, lovable honeybunnies and a husband, mostly without honey.

The Coordination Office for Women and Work in the Hannover Region is funded by the State of Lower Saxony and the European Union.

Contact us

Hanover Region
Head of the Women and Career Coordination Office
Ayten Berse
Head of the Coordination Office for Women and Work
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
Hanover Region
Advice from the Women and Work Coordination Office
Mila Marinova
Advice Coordination office for women and work
Hanover Region
Employment Promotion
Department of Economic and Employment Promotion
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